LO1: Understand the structure and ownership of the media sector

Task 1
There are approximately nine types of industries within media, they are: Film, Television, Music, Print, Computer Games, Advertising & Marketing, Interactive, Press and Radio. The Film industry and companies such as DNA, Columbia Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures make products like films and documentaries. I think Warner Bros. Pictures make the most known and the best films such as Superman, Batman Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. All these films are box office hits.
Companies and Television such as BBC, ITV and BSkyB make products like News, Drama Documentary, Comedy and Music.
The Radio industry produces Music, Talk, Drive-Time and Soap Opera. These come from Radio stations like Classic FM, BBC radio, Emap and Virgin.
Music Sector and Products has Commissioned Music and some of the companies that music is listened to are Emap, Zomba Music, Carlin Production Music and Conrad Productions.
The Print industry has sectors products like Posters, Flyers and Books. Press is one of the most important industries in Media, this is because they report news and advertise. Companies such News International (which includes The Sun, News of the World, The Sunday Times and The Times), Trinity Mirror, Pearson, Emap and Johnston Press all include in the Press industry.
The Computer Games industry is where most of money comes in media. Different genres like Fantasy, Action and sports are put into the games. The most known companies for this industry are EA Sports, Rockstar, Climax and Infinity Wards. My favourite company is Infinity Wards because they produced Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 which is the most played games in Playstation 3 and X Box. It sold 7.4 copies in its first 24hours on shelves.
Advertising & Marketing is well known in the media industry. Sectors like Television, Radio, Print and Web are used. There are companies like Emap and McCann Erickson used for this industry.
The last Industry is Interactive. Sectors like CD-ROM and Websites are involved. Companies like Windfall Digital, Illumina Digital and KMP are included.

There are up to 6 different ownerships, each company has its own ownership.
A private ownership is owned by an individual or a group of people. Facebook is a company that is privately owned.
Public company is where people could put their own shares into. If a company is not making a profit the share prices go down and the company is worthless, people could lose their money like this but if the company makes profits people will make money. For example EMI is a public media company which you can put shares into.
Public service media is something like BBC, it financed by TV licence fee. They provide us by more entertainment; they also provide us with a universal service as England has a lot of foreigners
Multinationals companies such as skysports is broadcasted around the world, skysports is broadcasted in Italy (Italian language) and America. It is owned by BSkyB, recently Sky has pulled out sky sports news from freeview so now only people who subscribe to sky could watch it, and this will make more money for sky.
Independent companies such as Bill and Ben productions are companies that labour without the help of larger companies. They are normally owned by an individual or a small group of people, in this case Bill and Ben productions is owned by two people, Bill Jones and Ben Timlett. They have moved into documentaries makings, recently they directed, produced & edited
a 6 x 1 hour documentary series and 100 minute theatrically released feature film telling the story of Monty Python from its humble beginnings to ground-breaking TV and film institution.
Conglomerates companies is a company that own many different media businesses. For example Bertelsmann owns the UK’s Channel 5 and TV and Radio stations across Europe. It owns 22 television stations and 18 radio stations in 10 countries; it’s also the world’s biggest publisher.

Vertical IntegrationVertical Integration is when two companies work in partnership together to produce a product. DNA Films is an example of a Vertical Integration because
it has the means of production, DNA produces and Fox Searchlights distributes them and does their marketing.

Horizontal IntegrationHorizontal Integration is when a company owns producers and products by itself. An example of a Horizontal Integration is EMI as they own their record producers and music publishing companies. It is the world’s largest independent music company.


This film section is supported and approved by the media industry and well be one of the few websites to receive a call from the filmmakers, training providers, employers and new competitors of a contest. We give out information on the industry right here, such as to understand the business and learn about their roles. Accredited (officially recognized as meeting the essential requirements) film courses institutions, training and developing opportunities.

Film making involves a lot of steps, in completing a film a lot of things need to be done. It starts with an idea which then develops into a script. Then the financing takes place alongside the casting, crew, prep, shoot and even after the film is produced advertisements and other things post-film production need to be carried out. Editing of the film is then also necessary. The film industry is a big business, giving so many people different jobs that wouldn't be there if it wasn't for the film industry.

The film industry is also an expensive business, things such as shooting the film, paying actors/actresses and many more costly aspects of it. Financial sides to the film would be considered before the production of it and estimated figures would be set so the people involved in making it can work out if they'd be making a profit depending on how well the film sells to the public. Description of the industry and its structure Film, in other words known as movies or motion pictures. It’s a story carried with moving images, it is an impressive produced. The way it’s structured will start of by having an intention idea. This would include writing a script and doing all the pre production work which would help you develop your skills and ideas. The camera men will record a photographic images or by creating images using visual effects and animation techniques. The process of filmmaking has developed into an art form and an industry. These visual effects of cinema give motion pictures a universal power of communication. If the film is very well recorded, set, and pre produced it would become popular worldwide. Films are usually made in series and chopped up in individual images called frames. Film making has hugely improved from when it first started, from 1931 to 1956; film was only image storage and playback system for TV programming. Then the videotape recorders were introduced.

A production company comes up with an idea of a film then they go show the idea to a distributor, if the distributor likes the idea they will lend money to the production company. Its costs millions as the production company would need money for equipment, locations to use, props, music and actors. Big celebrities like John Travolta or Sylvester Stallone would cost millions to pay for. The distributors would say yes and they would ask for whatever they gave them and ask them for 25% of what they make.


DNA Films is a British film production company founded by Andrew Macdonald and Duncan Kenworthy. DNA Films Merged with Search Fox Light in xxxxxx, this means now that they are a single enterprise. Its a share holders company, it is an Vertical Integration company because it has the means of production, DNA produces and Fox Searchlights distributes them and does their marketing. It’s Multinational as large corporation with operations and subsidiaries in several different countries.